i arrived in berlin on thursday. this is me on the way to takt..

the whole day i spent at takt.. so i had a picknick with neil mcintee,
who was a fellow artist from scotland..

this is how far i came on the first day, after i went
to stay at betty & joe's in prenzlberg (by the way, the
laptop shows meretes hand performing her everyday
wish on her sculpture "wishing well"..)..

this is joe, learning some image magic:

after a short night's sleep :

the next day i worked the whole day in takt again and was almost done
with the piece...here it is on the night of the second day..

...in the night i went to visit my old flatmate sarah and
her boyfriend patrick and their little son robin.. robin convinced me
to stay for the night so the next day so in the morning we took pictures together:

its amazing.. he said he wanted to take picures of light.. so i did the first one that
has the disco mirror ball in it.. the other one robin took himself.. it was so amazing
to see how unintentionally and through playing around with the flash he had actually
created exactly what he said he wanted to photograph.....
the next day i finished the piece of and merete came to berlin..
this is the piece, ready before the exhibiton.. pictures taken by merete.

you can see the sensor on the shelf, together with the laptop and the transmitter.
closer by are the headphones hanging next to a sheet of paper that had a
brief explanation written on it. you can also see on the floor that i had
an area defined that people could use to wander throught he four individual
soundscapes that i had composed for the installtion.
this is a closer view of the shelf and the components that partially
make up "town country house - a virtually real soundwalk" ..

and another one:

i was overwhelmed by the amount of people who turned up... this
is a picure taken shortly after peak time:

...lots of friends turned up.. wonderful surprises.. this is rainer heesch,
who i lived with in england... i had not seen him since 3 years..

and this is me with uli bentele, who i went to school with from 1st til
7th grade and who i had not seen since 1999..

me and betty, who i stayed with on thursday, who i have known
for 10 years at least..

after all this self-related issues.. here is an image of the piece of
miguel and stefan.. a device that listens to your breath and
controls a database of sounds, all related to sex, masturbation and

and last but not least some impressions from people listening to the piece:

on the last image you see elke, who together with her boyfriend
phillipe put merete and me up for the night : )
the piece is still up until the 31st of march.. you can drop by takt
gallery every thursday and sunday.. have a listen and tell me what
you think .. : )
thanks blog for listening and watching !!!