a piece about listening.. very very simple.. the idea is to project four phongraphic images into space.. you can hear these images through wireless headphones and walk throught them, slowly listening how the images change into one another.. this is done with a soundbeam sensor, a wireless headphone and a laptop computer.. this is the flyer for the show:

today im moving into a space kindly provided by the SeaM Weimar to test the sensor.. exciting.. while my enthusiasm for my work grows my bank account gets smaller and sometimes i wonder how everything will turn out and when i can stop thinking about how
it is possible to survive.. once the project in weimar west gets going i will be busier doing more
paid work again, which will do me good... for now this is purely for the love of it and that is exciting, but i also love getting paid for what i do : ) best not to worry, there are projects coming, applications pending and life to be lived !!! just have to be good with where i put the monkeys.. sorry if i bothered you with this, just had to get it off my chest .. : ) so. thats it for now.. for all the other listeneners who are in berlin, come to the show !!!!
thanks blog for listening !!