It was the result of a seven Month long process in which i got together with a
lot of different people to make a kind of "Sound Document" on the Western Part
of the city of Weimar (Weimar-West). I worked mainly with a group of school teenagers.
It was an absolutely amazing experience with a lot of fun, some struggles, mountains
of questions to master and of course a lot of listening.
It was such a wonderful thing for me to being able to unite a lot of people all through the fact that we want to create something audible. It gave us all the chance to develop more on this skill and especially working together with a group of teenagers was amazing since they are so full of energies and the love to listen... What was special to me was the fact that although i never explicitly talked to them about the various aspects of listening, in the final workshop when i asked them about listening they all gave the most beautiful answers...

Maybe it could have been any subject or medium that taught them a lot about how to be with one another, but in this case it was sound that had an impact on their social behaviour..
I conclude that i learned a lot about how working with sound can have a very positive on social practices. I also learned that i have to move forward a lot faster with a subject when i work with teenagers. they are very quick in picking up and understanding... So I was very pleased with the results. We all achieved what i hoped for and in the end the local newspaper road a big and positive article about our work. Very good i would say : )