I am currently working on three projects: 1.) Weimar West - (Un)erhört
2.) Forest II 3. ) Untitled - a collaboration with Live Artist Roger Hill..
Here are some more details about these individual projects:
1.) Weimar West - (Un)erhört: I am creating an Audio-Feature about a Neighbourhood in Weimar which is called Weimar-West.. I work with a
range of different groups and individuals creating a variety of contributions
all somehow related to listening to this neighbourhood..In addition we looked into broadcasting through collaborating with a commercial and an experimental radio station..
In the end there
will be a CD, which will be manufactured with a thick booklet. I feel a bit proud of this project, since I initiated it and made it all happen.. I think it is a wonderful
project, so email me about it, if you're interested.. also there is a German blog
about it, which is a sort of dairy: www.unerhoert.blogspot.com..
2. ) Forest II is a Multi-Media Artist Chris Ziegler. Chris is an associated artist with
the ZKM in Karlsruhe and currently develops Forest II Piece for the Art Festival in Weimar, called Pelerinages.. The main purpose of this project is to create a spatial, multimedia instrument for a group of composer, dancers and choreographer to create a performance
on from the 10th to the 12th of September in Weimar, Germany.
Since i don't find this that interesting I am lucky enough to assist Chris personally as well as developing the acoustic concept of a visitor based installation as well as the sound design and the patching of sound applications/programming for the visitor installation.
I just spent two days in Berlin in the famous Tesla Labs, setting up the installation
for technical rehearsals and also sketching some ideas. Very nice : )
Here are some images from the first experimental public installation in the city
of Dresden:
3.) Is just in the making.. more news later : )
I moved into a studio in Weimar West, which feels absolutely wonderful. It is amazing to have some space and place for your work.. I love it !!! It was given
to me because of the Project in Weimar West and as such I will also use it mainly for this purpose.. have a look :
That's it for now.. As you can see i have made some progress
since i started writing this blog.. Unfortunately i did not manage
to update this blog continuously, because i was quite busy
working or trying to get more work. This takes up a lot of time.
I did not know before how much really, so now that i am doing
it i can tell you it is an awful lot. . . On the contrary it might be nice to see now,
that actually there is development in my work and that since i started
writing this blog I actually managed to make a living full-time as a
freelance artist, which i think is superb. This, of course, brings us to
the next step.. what if you are starting to be successful in your field..
how do you maintain it ? ? how do you actually improve and keep it going.. ?
I feel this is the next step i have to learn. Cross your fingers if you like and hope the
best and that i am ready for it : ) I keep you posted ..
Thanks for listening, blog !