(more on her project can be found here: http://www.search4outside.com/doku.php?id=wiki:dokuwiki:about).
In our quite long conversations she made me aware of the fact that some aspects of my work actually relate to something that can be referred to as sound and social practice. that resonated in my mind and this is how these blog posts came about...
Sound and social practice. To me this sounds utterly fascinating. At least when I
let it ring in my brain. It sounds super fresh, doesn't it ? Maybe this has to do
with the way that the letter sound in this specific combination, but it just makes
an awful lot of sense when my inner voices pronounces it in my head...On the second thought i get to the point where I actually get interested enough to ask myself:
what does it actually mean ?
Here is a start. A humble attempt to share my practical thoughts on this subject, bearing in mind that my point of departure is listening as an art form. Listening as such can already be a social act in itself. When we get together we talk. We understand the talking through what ? Through listening of course. In order to understand properly, we have to listen properly.For that we, for once, take ourselves out of the picture and pay attention to the person who is talking to us. Quite nice, i think. We give attention and that in itself already is a social act to some extend. Now, I want to take this further. Much further, of course.
So last Friday i met up with a 71 Year old woman. She had written a poem on the neighbourhood she lives in. Now, she let me visit her in her home to record her reciting the poem for a project I am working on. So I was listening to her extensively. Even recording what she had composed in words. Keeping a record of her thoughts. I was lucky to meet her, because she allowed it to happen and so the fact, that i came to listen to her made us friends very quickly. And so I listened and learned. And so she talked and she learned.
(Foto taken by Alexandre Decoupigny, used by kind permission of both persons.. )
End of Part 2